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==2008 or earlier==
==2008 or earlier==
=====Expression of 24,426 human alternative splicing events and predicted cis regulation in 48 tissues and cell lines=====
<div class="title">Expression of 24,426 human alternative splicing events and predicted cis regulation in 48 tissues and cell lines.</div>
Castle, J.C., <b>Zhang,C.</b>, Shah, J.K., Kulkarni, A.V., Cooper, T.A., Johnson, J.M. 2008.  
Castle, J.C., <b>Zhang,C.</b>, Shah, J.K., Kulkarni, A.V., Cooper, T.A., Johnson, J.M. 2008.  
''Nature Genet.'' 40:1416-1425.
<i>Nature Genet.</i> 40:1416-1425.
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18978788?dopt=Abstract PubMed]
[<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18978788?dopt=Abstract">PubMed</a>][<a href="http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v40/n12/pdf/ng.264.pdf">PDF</a>]
[http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v40/n12/pdf/ng.264.pdf PDF]
<div class="title">Defining the regulatory network of the tissue-specific splicing factors Fox-1 and Fox-2. </div>
=====Defining the regulatory network of the tissue-specific splicing factors Fox-1 and Fox-2=====
<b>Zhang,C.</b>*, Zhang, Z.*, Castle, J., Sun, S., Johnson, J., Krainer, A.R. and Zhang, M.Q. 2008.
<b>Zhang,C.</b>*, Zhang, Z.*, Castle, J., Sun, S., Johnson, J., Krainer, A.R. and Zhang, M.Q. 2008.
<i>Genes Dev.</i> 22:2550-2563.  
''Genes Dev''. 22:2550-2563.  
[<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18794351?dopt=Abstract">PubMed</a>][<a href="http://genesdev.cshlp.org/cgi/reprint/22/18/2550">PDF</a>]
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18794351?dopt=Abstract PubMed]
[http://genesdev.cshlp.org/cgi/reprint/22/18/2550 PDF]
<div class="title">An RNA landscape of evolution for optimal exon and intron discrimination. </div>
=====An RNA landscape of evolution for optimal exon and intron discrimination=====
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Li, W.-H., Krainer, A.R. and Zhang, M.Q. 2008.  
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Li, W.-H., Krainer, A.R. and Zhang, M.Q. 2008.  
<i>Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA</i>. 105:5797-802.
[<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18391195?dopt=Abstract">PubMed</a>][<a href="http://www.pnas.org/content/105/15/5797.full.pdf+html">PDF</a>]
''Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA''. 105:5797-802.
<div class="title">Dual-specificity splice sites function alternatively as 5&#39; and 3&#39; splice sites. </div>
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18391195?dopt=Abstract PubMed]
[http://www.pnas.org/content/105/15/5797.full.pdf+html PDF]
=====Dual-specificity splice sites function alternatively as 5&#39; and 3&#39; splice sites=====
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Hasting, M.L., Krainer, A.R., Zhang, M.Q. 2007.  
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Hasting, M.L., Krainer, A.R., Zhang, M.Q. 2007.  
''Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA.'' 104(38): 15028-15033
<i>Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA.</i> 104(38): 15028-15033  
  [<a href="http://portal.isiknowledge.com/portal.cgi?DestApp=XS_FORM&amp;Func=Frame">PubMed</a>][<a href="http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/104/38/15028">PDF</a>].
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17848517?dopt=Abstract PubMed]
[http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/104/38/15028 PDF].
=====Evolutionary impact of limited splicing fidelity in mammalian genes=====
<div class="title">Evolutionary impact of limited splicing fidelity in mammalian genes. </div>
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Krainer A.R., Zhang, M.Q. 2007.  
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Krainer A.R., Zhang, M.Q. 2007.  
''Trends Genet.'' 23(10): 484-488.
<i>Trends Genet.</i> 23(10): 484-488.
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17719121?dopt=Abstract PubMed]
[<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&amp;Cmd=ShowDetailView&amp;TermToSearch=17719121&amp;ordinalpos=1&amp;itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum">PubMed</a>][<a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&amp;_udi=B6TCY-4PGXF12-1&_user=429752&amp;_coverDate=08/24/2007&amp;_rdoc=1&amp;_fmt=&amp;_orig=search&amp;_sort=d&amp;view=c&amp;_acct=C000020578&amp;_version=1&amp;_urlVersion=0&amp;_userid=429752&amp;md5=18d53f024a0cc53702a98f6b14a7b154">PDF</a>]
[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&amp;_udi=B6TCY-4PGXF12-1&_user=429752&amp;_coverDate=08/24/2007&amp;_rdoc=1&amp;_fmt=&amp;_orig=search&amp;_sort=d&amp;view=c&amp;_acct=C000020578&amp;_version=1&amp;_urlVersion=0&amp;_userid=429752&amp;md5=18d53f024a0cc53702a98f6b14a7b154 PDF]
=====An increased specificity score matrix for the prediction of SF2/ASF-specific exonic splicing enhancers=====
<div class="title">An increased specificity score matrix for the prediction of SF2/ASF-specific exonic splicing enhancers. </div>
Smith, P.J., <b>Zhang,C.</b>, Wang, J., Chew, S.L., Zhang, M.Q., Krainer, A.R. 2006.
Smith, P.J., <b>Zhang,C.</b>, Wang, J., Chew, S.L., Zhang, M.Q., Krainer, A.R. 2006.
''Hum Mol Genet'', 15:16):2490-2508.  
<i>Hum Mol Genet</i>, 15:16):2490-2508.  
[<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&amp;cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;list_uids=16825284&amp;query_hl=2&amp;itool=pubmed_docsum">PubMed</a>][<a href="http://hmg.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/ddl171v1">PDF</a>]
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16825284?dopt=Abstract PubMed]
<div class="title">Profiling alternatively spliced mRNA isoforms for prostate cancer classification. </div>
[http://hmg.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/ddl171v1 PDF]
=====Profiling alternatively spliced mRNA isoforms for prostate cancer classification=====
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Li, H.-R., Fan, J.-B., Wang-Rodriguez, J., Downs, T., Fu, X.-D. and Zhang, M.Q. 2006.  
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Li, H.-R., Fan, J.-B., Wang-Rodriguez, J., Downs, T., Fu, X.-D. and Zhang, M.Q. 2006.  
<i>BMC Bioinformatics, </i>7:202.
[<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&amp;db=pubmed&amp;dopt=Abstract&amp;list_uids=16608523">PubMed</a>][<a href="http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2105-7-202.pdf">PDF</a>]
''BMC Bioinformatics'', 7:202.
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16608523?dopt=Abstract PubMed]
[http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2105-7-202.pdf PDF]
<div class="title">Neighbor Number, Valley Seeking and Clustering. </div>
=====Neighbor Number, Valley Seeking and Clustering=====
Zhang,C.</b>, Zhang, X., Zhang, M.Q. and Li, Y. 2007.  
Zhang,C.</b>, Zhang, X., Zhang, M.Q. and Li, Y. 2007.  
<i>Pattern Recognition Letters, </i>28:173-180.
''Pattern Recognition Letters'',28:173-180.  
<div class="title">A Clustering property of highly-degenerate transcription factor binding sites in the mammalian genome. </div>
=====A Clustering property of highly-degenerate transcription factor binding sites in the mammalian genome=====
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Xuan, Z., Otto, S., Hover, J.R., McCorkle, S.R., Mandel, G. and Zhang, M.Q. 2006.  
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Xuan, Z., Otto, S., Hover, J.R., McCorkle, S.R., Mandel, G. and Zhang, M.Q. 2006.  
<i>Nucl Acids Res, </i>34: 2238-2246.
[<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=16670430&query_hl=1&itool=pubmed_docsum">PubMed</a>] [<a href="http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/34/8/2238">PDF</a>]
''Nucl Acids Res'', 34: 2238-2246.
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16670430?dopt=Abstract PubMed]
[http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/34/8/2238 PDF]
<div class="title">Significance of Gene Ranking for Classification of Microarray Samples. </div>
=====Significance of Gene Ranking for Classification of Microarray Samples=====
<b>Zhang,C.</b>*, Lu, X.* and Zhang, X. 2005.  
<b>Zhang,C.</b>*, Lu, X.* and Zhang, X. 2005.  
<i>IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics</i>, 3(3): 312-320.
''IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics'', 3(3): 312-320.
[<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=17048468&query_hl=2&itool=pubmed_docsum">PubMed</a>]
[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17048468?dopt=Abstract PubMed]
==Book Chapters==
==Book Chapters==
=====Identification of Splicing Factor Target Genes by High-Throughput Sequencing=====
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Zhang,M.Q. 2012.
<div class="title">Identification of Splicing Factor Target Genes by High-Throughput Sequencing. </div>
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Zhang,M.Q. 2012.
Chapter 51 <i>in Alternative pre-mRNA Splicing: Theory and Protocols. </i>(S. Stamm, C.W. J. Smith, R. Lührmann, ed). Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.  
Chapter 51 <i>in Alternative pre-mRNA Splicing: Theory and Protocols. </i>(S. Stamm, C.W. J. Smith, R. Lührmann, ed). Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.  
=====Functional <i>in sillico</i> analysis of gene regulatory polymorphism=====
<div class="title">Functional <i>in sillico</i> analysis of gene regulatory polymorphism.</div>
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Zhao,X. and Zhang,M.Q. 2006. <br>
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Zhao,X. and Zhang,M.Q. 2006. <br>
Chapter 12. In <i>Bioinformatics for Geneticists: A Bioinformatics primer for the analysis of genetic data</i>.&nbsp; 2nd Ed. (M.R. Barnes, ed.) &nbsp;John Wiley &amp; Sons, LTD.  
Chapter 12. In <i>Bioinformatics for Geneticists: A Bioinformatics primer for the analysis of genetic data</i>.&nbsp; 2nd Ed. (M.R. Barnes, ed.) &nbsp;John Wiley &amp; Sons, LTD.  
[<a style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline; text-underline: single" href="http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470026197,descCd-tableOfContents.html">Wiley-VCH</a>]
[<a style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline; text-underline: single" href="http://rulai.cshl.edu/reprints/bioinfo4gen_chapter12_zhang.pdf">PDF</a>]
=====Biomedical literature mining=====
<div class="title">Biomedical literature mining. </div>
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Zhang,M.Q. 2007. <br>
<b>Zhang,C.</b>, Zhang,M.Q. 2007. <br>
Chap 10. in <i>Introduction to Bioinformatics: A workbook approach</i>. (V. Mathura ed) Elsevier.  
Chap 10. in <i>Introduction to Bioinformatics: A workbook approach</i>. (V. Mathura ed) Elsevier.

Latest revision as of 22:00, 10 March 2016

Papers | Talks

[* co-first authors; co-corresponding authors]


MBNL sequestration by toxic RNAs and RNA misprocessing in the myotonic dystrophy brain

Goodwin, M., Mohan, A. Batra, R., Lee, K.-Y., Charizanis, K., Francisco Jose Fernandez-Gomez, F.J., Eddarkaoui, S., Sergeant, N., Buee, L., Kimura, T., Clark, H.B., Dalton, J., Takamura, K., Weyn-Vanhentenryck, S.M. , Zhang, C., Reid, T., Ranum, L.P.W., Day, J.W., Swanson, M.S. 2015.

Cell Rep. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2015.07.029.

PubMed PDF

mRIN for direct assessment of genome-wide and gene-specific mRNA integrity from large-scale RNA sequencing data

Feng, H., Zhang, X., Zhang, C.† , 2015.

Nat Comm. 6:7816. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8816.

PubMed PDF Software

- Research highlights, “How good are those RNA-seq data?”, Nature Methods, 12:910 (2015).

Systematic discovery of regulated and conserved alternative exons in the mammalian brain reveals NMD modulating chromatin regulators.

Yan, Q.*, Weyn-Vanhentenryck, S.M.*,Wu, J., Sloan, S.A., Zhang, Y., Chen, K., Wu, J.-Q., Barres, B.A.†, Zhang, C.†, 2015.

Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. Mar 3. pii: 201502849.

PubMed PDF Supp Info


Loss of MBNL function leads to disruption of developmentally regulated alternative polyadenylation in RNA-mediated disease

Batra, R., Charizanis, K., Manchanda, M., Mohan, A., Li, M., Finn, D.J., Goodwin, Zhang, C., Sobczak,K., Thornton, C.A., Swanson, M.S. 2014.

Mol Cell. 56: 311-322.

PubMed PDF

An RNA-Sequencing transcriptome and splicing database of glia, neurons, and vascular cells of the cerebral cortex

Zhang, Y., Chen, K., Sloan, S., Bennett, M.L., Scholze, A.R., O’Keeffe, S., Phatnani, H.P., Guarnieri, P., Caneda, C., Ruderisch, N., Deng, S., Liddelow, S.A., Zhang, C., Daneman, R., Maniatis, T., Barres, B.A., Wu, J.-Q. 2014.

J Neurosci. 34:11929-11947.

PubMed PDF

HITS-CLIP and integrative modeling define the Rbfox splicing-regulatory network linked to brain development and autism

Weyn-Vanhentenryck, S.M.*, Mele,A.*, Yan,Q.*, Sun,S., Farny,N., Zhang,Z., Xue,C., Herre,M., Silver,P.A., Zhang,M.Q., Krainer,A.R., Darnell,R.B. †, Zhang,C. † 2014.

Cell Rep. 10.1016/j.celrep.2014.02.005.

PubMed PDF software

Mapping Argonaute and conventional RNA-binding protein interactions with RNA at single-nucleotide resolution using HITS-CLIP and CIMS analysis

Moore, M.*, Zhang, C.*, Gantman, E.C., Mele, A., Darnell, J.C., Darnell, R.B. 2014.

Nat Protocols, 9:263-293.

PubMed PDF software


Progressive impairment of muscle regeneration in Muscleblind-like 3 isoform knockout mice

Poulos, M.G., Batra, R., Li, M., Yuan, Y., Zhang, C., Darnell, R.B., Swanson, M.S. 2013.

Hum Mol Genet. 22:3547-3558.

PubMed PDF

Prediction of clustered RNA-binding protein motif sites in the mammalian genome

Zhang, C. †, Lee, K.-Y., Swanson, M.S., Darnell, R.B. † 2013.

Nucleic Acids Res. 41:6793-6807. PDF software

OLego: Fast and sensitive mapping of spliced mRNA-Seq reads using small seeds

Wu,J., Anczukow,O., Krainer,A.R., Zhang,M.Q. †, Zhang,C. †, 2013.

Nucleic Acids Res. 41:5149-5163.

PubMed PDF software

[Publications before my own lab]


NOVA-dependent regulation of cryptic NMD exons controls synaptic protein levels after seizure

Eom,T., Zhang,C., Wang,H., Lay,K., Fak,J., Noebels,J.L., Darnell,R.B. 2012.

eLife, 2:e00178.

PubMed PDF

Neuronal Elav-like (Hu) Proteins Regulate RNA Splicing and Abundance to Control Glutamate Levels and Neuronal Excitability

Ince-Dunn, G., Okano, H.J., Jensen, K.B., Park, W.Y., Zhong, R., Ule, J., Mele,A., Fak, J.J., Yang, C., Zhang,C., Yoo, J., Herre, M., Okano, H., Noebels, J.L., Darnell, R.B., 2012.

Neuron, 75:1067-1080.

PubMed PDF

The lncRNA Malat1 is dispensable for mouse development but its transcription plays a cis-regulatory role in the adult

Zhang,B., Arun,G., Mao,Y.S., Lazar,Z., Hung,G., Bhattacharjee,G., Xiao,X., Booth,C.J., Wu,J., Zhang,C., Spector,D.L., 2012.

Cell Reports, 2:111-123.

PubMed PDF

Muscleblind-like 2 mediated alternative splicing in the developing brain and dysregulation in myotonic dystrophy

Charizanis, K., Lee, K.-Y., Batra, R., Goodwin, M., Zhang,C., Yuan, Y., Shuie, L., Cline, M., Scotti, M.M., Xia, G., Kumar,A., Ashizawa, T., Clark, H.B., Kimura, T., Takahashi, M.P., Fujimura, H., Jinnai, K., Yoshikawa, H., Pereira,M.G., Gourdon,G., Sakai,N., Nishino,S., Foster,T.C., Ares, M. Jr, Darnell, R.B. Swanson, M.S., 2012.

Neuron, 75:437-450.

PubMed PDF

Ptbp2 represses adult-specific splicing to regulate the generation of neuronal precursors in the embryonic brain

Licatalosi,D.D., Yano,M., Fak,J.J., Mele,A., Grabinski,S.E., Zhang,C., Darnell,R.B., 2012.

Genes Dev, 26:1626-1642.

PubMed PDF


Identification of novel androgen-regulated pathways and mRNA isoforms through genome-wide exon-specific profiling of the LNCaP transcriptome

Rajan P., Dalgliesh, C., Carling, P., Buist, T., Zhang,C., Grellscheid, S., Armstrong, K., Stockley, J., Simillion, C., Gaughan, L., Kalna, G., Zhang, M.Q., Robson, C., Leung, H., Elliott, D. 2011.

PLoS One, 6: e29088.

PubMed PDF

Study of FoxA pioneer factor at silent genes reveals Rfx-repressed enhancer at Cdx2 and a potential indicator of esophageal adenocarcinoma development

Watts, J.A., Zhang,C., Klein-Szanto, A.J., Kormish, J.D., Fu, J., Zhang, M.Q., Zaret, K.S. 2011.

PLoS Genet, 7: e1002277.

PubMed PDF

FMRP stalls ribosomal translocation on mRNAs linked to synaptic function and autism

Darnell, J.C., Van Driesche, S.J., Zhang,C., Hung, K.Y.S., Mele, A., Fraser, C.E., Stone, E.F., Chen, C., Fak, J.J., Chi, S.W., Licatalosi, D.D., Richter, J.D., Darnell, R.B., 2011.

Cell, 146:247-261.

PubMed PDF

Mapping in vivo protein-RNA interactions at single-nucleotide resolution from HITS-CLIP data

Zhang,C.†, Darnell, R.B.† 2011.

Nat. Biotech. 29:607-614.

PubMed PDF software


Integrative modeling defines the Nova splicing-regulatory network and its combinatorial controls

Zhang,C.†, Frias, M.A., Mele, A., Ruggiu, M., Eom, T., Marney, C.B., Wang, H., Licatalosi, D.D., Fak, J.J., Darnell, R.B.† 2010.

Science. 329: 439-443. PubMed PDF

- Editor’s choice, Pickersgill, H. 2010. Making the Final Cut. Sci. Signal. 3:ec234;

- Nominated by leading researchers as one of the 33 papers that represent breakthroughs in computational biology in 2010. Mak H.C., 2011. Trends in computational biology-2010. Nat Biotech. 29, doi:10.1038/nbt.1747.

Dissecting the unique role of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor during cellular senescence

Chicas, A., Wang, X., Zhang,C., McCurrach, M., Zhao Z., Ozlem, M., Dickins, R., Narita, M., Zhang, M.Q., and Lowe, S.W. 2010.

Cancer Cell. 17:376-387.

PubMed PDF

- Comment in Cancer Cell. 2010 Apr 13;17(4):313-4.

2008 or earlier

Expression of 24,426 human alternative splicing events and predicted cis regulation in 48 tissues and cell lines

Castle, J.C., Zhang,C., Shah, J.K., Kulkarni, A.V., Cooper, T.A., Johnson, J.M. 2008.

Nature Genet. 40:1416-1425.

PubMed PDF

Defining the regulatory network of the tissue-specific splicing factors Fox-1 and Fox-2

Zhang,C.*, Zhang, Z.*, Castle, J., Sun, S., Johnson, J., Krainer, A.R. and Zhang, M.Q. 2008.

Genes Dev. 22:2550-2563.

PubMed PDF

An RNA landscape of evolution for optimal exon and intron discrimination

Zhang,C., Li, W.-H., Krainer, A.R. and Zhang, M.Q. 2008.

Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 105:5797-802.

PubMed PDF

Dual-specificity splice sites function alternatively as 5' and 3' splice sites

Zhang,C., Hasting, M.L., Krainer, A.R., Zhang, M.Q. 2007.

Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA. 104(38): 15028-15033

PubMed PDF.

Evolutionary impact of limited splicing fidelity in mammalian genes

Zhang,C., Krainer A.R., Zhang, M.Q. 2007.

Trends Genet. 23(10): 484-488.

PubMed PDF

An increased specificity score matrix for the prediction of SF2/ASF-specific exonic splicing enhancers

Smith, P.J., Zhang,C., Wang, J., Chew, S.L., Zhang, M.Q., Krainer, A.R. 2006.

Hum Mol Genet, 15:16):2490-2508.

PubMed PDF

Profiling alternatively spliced mRNA isoforms for prostate cancer classification

Zhang,C., Li, H.-R., Fan, J.-B., Wang-Rodriguez, J., Downs, T., Fu, X.-D. and Zhang, M.Q. 2006.

BMC Bioinformatics, 7:202.

PubMed PDF

Neighbor Number, Valley Seeking and Clustering

Zhang,C.</b>, Zhang, X., Zhang, M.Q. and Li, Y. 2007.

Pattern Recognition Letters,28:173-180.

A Clustering property of highly-degenerate transcription factor binding sites in the mammalian genome

Zhang,C., Xuan, Z., Otto, S., Hover, J.R., McCorkle, S.R., Mandel, G. and Zhang, M.Q. 2006.

Nucl Acids Res, 34: 2238-2246.

PubMed PDF

Significance of Gene Ranking for Classification of Microarray Samples

Zhang,C.*, Lu, X.* and Zhang, X. 2005.

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 3(3): 312-320.


Book Chapters

Identification of Splicing Factor Target Genes by High-Throughput Sequencing

Zhang,C., Zhang,M.Q. 2012.

Chapter 51 in Alternative pre-mRNA Splicing: Theory and Protocols. (S. Stamm, C.W. J. Smith, R. Lührmann, ed). Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.

Functional in sillico analysis of gene regulatory polymorphism

Zhang,C., Zhao,X. and Zhang,M.Q. 2006.

Chapter 12. In Bioinformatics for Geneticists: A Bioinformatics primer for the analysis of genetic data.  2nd Ed. (M.R. Barnes, ed.)  John Wiley & Sons, LTD.

Biomedical literature mining

Zhang,C., Zhang,M.Q. 2007.

Chap 10. in Introduction to Bioinformatics: A workbook approach. (V. Mathura ed) Elsevier.