Lab news

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  • 11/22/2023. Congrats Dan Moakley for successfully defending the PhD thesis on neuron type-specific alternative splicing regulation!
  • 10/17/2023. Congrats Yocelyn Recinos for winning the poster award at Systems Biology department retreat!
  • 10/02/2023. (Belated news) We released our preprint on SpliceRUSH, a high-throughput screening method for mapping both proximal and distal splicing-regulatory elements in native sequences. Congrats Yocelyn and team!
  • 10/02/2023. (Belated news) Welcome new PhD students Albertine Albertine Neal, Fahad Paryani, and Tianji Yu for rotating in the lab!
  • 07/17/2023. Welcome Madeline Scalon, Vivian Coraci, and Matthew Yuan for joining the lab as visiting high school students to perform their summer research!
  • 07/14/2023. Welcome Ruchika for starting her postdoc in the lab!
  • 06/08/2023. Congrats to Brian Joseph, joint postdoc in Zhang and Wichterle labs, for winning the prestigious postdoc fellowship from New York Stem Cell Foundation Research Institute:
  • 01/23/2023. Our department highlighted our work in the annual news letter.
  • 06/01/2023. Welcome Shah Alam for starting his postdoc in the lab!
  • 05/10/2023. Congrats Yocelyn Recinos for her successful PhD thesis defense!
  • 01/23/2023. We are one of the three winners of the Brain Research Foundation Scientific Innovations Award in a national competition.


  • 09/28/2022. The Zhang lab received a prestigious Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) (R35) from NIH/NIGMS and R56 award from NHGRI.
  • 09/28/2022. Welcome Yow-Tyng (Tim) Yeh to join the lab as a postdoc!
  • 09/16/2022. The Zhang lab hold annual BBQ to celebrate 10th anniversary and Melissa Campbell's new faculty position.
  • 07/14/2022. Welcome Paola Rincheti and Suvrajit Maji, who started as postdoc in the lab recently.
  • 07/06/2022. This is belated news. Check out our preprint on structural based prediction of protein-RNA photo-crosslinking released a few weeks ago.


  • 11/11/2021. 2021 is our turnover year - We sent best wishes to two postdocs embarking the next chapter of their careers and welcomed two new postdocs (so far)!
  • 04/13/2021. Congrats Melissa McKenzie, postdoc in the lab, on winning the NIH K99 award.
  • 03/10/2021. Our recent work on neuronal cell type-specific regulation is now officially on PNAS.
  • 02/01/2021. Our recent work on neuronal cell type-specific regulation is now on bioRiv.


  • 07/15/2020. We are one of the winners of the Columbia Precision Medicine Pilot Grants. With this seed fund, we will work on a high-throughput screening approach of splicing-regulatory elements. news release.


  • 06/23/2019. Our mCross paper is now published in Molecular Cell. see news release.
  • 04/09/2019. Congrats Yocelyn Recinos, graduate student in the lab, for winning the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
  • 04/02/2019. Chaolin is officially approved for tenure at Columbia. Congratulate him on twitter!
  • 01/24/2019. "The splicing code goes deep" - A preview on splicing is published in Cell.


for-exceptional-research spotlighted] on our departmental website.

  • 04/17/2018. Congratulate Sebastien Weyn, a recent graduate, to be a recipient of the 2018 Titus M Coan Prize for Excellence in Research.
  • 04/13/2018. Congratulate Lekha Yesantharao for winning the SURF grant from the Simons Program for Undergraduate Summer Research.
  • 03/29/2018. Congratulate Joy Pai, a former undergraduate student working in the lab, for starting her graduate study at Stanford University this coming fall!
  • 02/01/2018. Our new Rbfox paper is now online in Neuron. See also press release.
  • 01/25/2018. Our D-score is incorporated by SFARI as one of the Gene Score metrics to prioritize autism genes. See SFARI news here.
  • 01/16/2018. We released the preprint of our neurodevelopmental splicing code paper. See bioRxiv.
  • 01/16/2018. Congratulations to Sebastien Weyn, on his successful defense for his PhD (actually a month ago) - two of first two from the Zhang lab.


  • 12/27/2017. The Zhang lab won an NIH R01 award to study how genetic variation affects RNA regulation.
  • 09/23/2017. Congratulations to Sebastien Weyn, student in the lab, for winning the best poster award in Systems Biology retreat.
  • 06/08/2017. Congratulations on Martin Jacko's successful PhD thesis defense - first graduate student in the Zhang lab (joint with Wichterle lab)
  • 05/17/2017. Congratulations to Ankeeta Shah for being accepted by the Graduate Program in Molecular Biosciences at U Chicago.
  • 05/02/2017. Justin Wong won Simons Foundation Undergraduate Summer Research Program award to work in the lab.
  • 04/09/2017. We got an R03 grant from NIH/NHGRI to continue the development of the CLIP Tool Kit.
  • 03/07/2017. Our microexon review featured by Advanced Science News.
  • 02/15/2017. Small exons with big roles. See our most recent review on WIRES RNA.
  • 02/12/2017. The autism mutation paper is profiled by Spectrum News.


  • 12/13/2016. The autism mutation paper is profiled by our department. See preprint.
  • 11/14/2016. The autism mutation paper is accepted by Human Mutation. See preprint.
  • 10/30/2016. The CLIP Tool Kit (CTK) paper is published on Bioinformatics. See documentation here.
  • 10/30/2016. Welcome our most recent lab member Andrew Arditi!
  • 06/30/2016. The Zhang lab gave one oral and two poster presentations at the 2016 RNA society meeting in Kyoto.
  • 06/23/2016. Congratulate Kevin for getting into the UCSF MD program!
  • 06/23/2016. Welcome Xiaojian, Ying, Jiaye for joining the lab!
  • 05/10/2016. Congratulate the Zhang lab on winning an R21 award from NIH/NINDS on study of neuronal RNA splicing.
  • 03/31/2016. Congratulate Ankeeta Shah on winning the prestigious Goldwater scholarship!
  • 03/15/2016. A tutorial on how to predict RBP motif sites using mCarts.
  • 03/11/2016. Congratulate Martin Jacko on winning 2016 RNA Society Meeting (Kyoto Japan) travel fellowship!
  • 03/01/2016. Congratulate Ankeeta Shah on winning the 2016 SURF/Amgen fellowship!
  • 02/16/2016. Our R21 proposal received a 4% at the NMG study section


  • 09/30/2015. mRIN paper highlighted by Nature Methods
  • 08/03/2105. mRIN paper published on Nature Communications
  • 06/19/2105. Chaolin Zhang received an R01 award from NIH/NINDS
  • 03/06/2015. Discovery of new AS exons in the brain published on PNAS


  • 07/29/2014. Chaolin Zhang received a 3 year Research Award from Simons Foundation
  • 03/06/2014. Rbfox CLIP and integrative modeling paper published on Cell Reports
  • 01/10/2014. Step by step guide of CIMS analysis published on Nature Protocols


  • 09/24/2013. Chaolin Zhang received an Explorer Award from Simons Foundation
  • 04/26/2013. mCarts paper published on NAR
  • 04/26/2013. OLego paper published on NAR