Data and motif summary of RBP DHX30

RBP summary

RBP Name: DHX30
RBP description: DExH-Box Helicase 30
UniProt ID: Q7L2E3
Entrez Gene: 22907
Species: Homo Sapiens
Protein domains:
Subcellular localization
(1 (nucleus) – 5 (cytoplasm):

CLIP data summary

Data source: ENCODE Cell-type/Tissue: K562
Unique tags: 3217914 Peaks: 5920
Genomic distribution:
  • CDS exon
  • 5' UTR exon
  • Upstream 10K
  • 3' UTR exon
  • Downstream 10K
  • Intron
  • Deep intergenic
Crosslink sites: 304 (CIMS, deletion) ; 373 (CIMS, insertion); 2858 (CIMS, substitution); 1607 (CITS)

Motif summary

Cluster Motif Name Consensus Motif logo Score No. Sites AI scatter plot AI consistency AI p-value
1 K562.DHX30.0
  • 28.09089999 8 0.666666667 (2/3) 0.5
    2 K562.DHX30.1
  • 28.11592952 12 0.666666667 (2/3) 0.5